In Person
9:30-11:30- Workshops
Dr. Alwaleed Alkhaja
Qatar National Library
Building an Institutional Repository
Dr. Arif Shaon
Qatar National Library
11:30-12:00- Coffee
12:00-1:00- Workshops
Rick Anderson
Birgham Young University, USA
Open Access Publishing Models: An Overview of Strengths and Weaknesses
9:30-11:00 – Parallel Sessions
Panel A
The Rise of Community-Owned and Community-Led Open Science Infrastructures and Publications
Moderator: Dr. Emily Choynowski, FORM
Bianca Kramer
Sesame Open Science, Netherlands
Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information
Jerry Sellanga
Invest in Open Infrastructure, Kenya
Infra Finder: A New Tool to Enhance Transparency, Discoverability, and Trust in Open Infrastructure
Danny Kingsley
Deakin University, Australia
The Commercial Cash Cow Trap – Why We Should Redirect Infrastructure Investment Towards ‘Open’.
Panel B – Arabic
Infrastructure and Solutions Supporting Open Science
Moderator: Jacir Hilmi, FORM
Ahmed Moustafa
Crossref, Egypt
The Research Nexus: Metadata and Beyond
Mohamad Mostafa
DataCite, UAE
Boosting MENA Research Visibility with Persistent Identifiers
Aisha Hassan Al-Abdulla
Qatar University, Qatar
Qatar University Institutional Repository: Promoting Open Science in the Arab Region
11:00-11:30 – Break
11:30-13:00 – Parallel Sessions
Panel C
Strategic Planning: National, Regional and Global Strategic Case Studies
Moderator: Nahil Nassar, FORM
Dr. Monica Granados
Creative Commons, Canada
Openness as a Tool for Achieving the SDGs
Lamis Yahia Mohamed Elkheir
African Reproducibility Network, UAE
Harnessing Open Science for Transformative Impact: AREN’s Multifaceted Approach to Advancing Research Across Africa
Iryna Kuchma
Regional Case Studies of No-Fee Open Access Publishing in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia
Panel D – Arabic
Digital and Human Capacity Building
Moderator: Jacir Hilmi, FORM
Nadia Ismaili
Djilali Bounaama University, Algeria
Empowering Institutional Repositories to Become the Main Avenue for Disseminating Academic Grey Literature in Algerian Universities.
Sa’ada Amer AlDhuhli
Royal Hospital, Oman
Strengthening Health Research in Oman: The Role of Open Sources in Enhancing Collaboration and Innovation
Salwan M. Abdulateef
Open Science Community Iraq, Iraq
Advancing Research Infrastructure and Solutions for Supporting Open Science in Iraq
13:00-14:00 – Lunch
14:00-15:30 – Parallel Session
Panel E
Using AI to Advance Engagement with Open Science Policies and Practises in The Arab World
Moderator: Jacir Hilmi, FORM
Yrjo Lappalainen
Zayed University, UAE
Awakening Institutional Repositories: Improving Metadata and Access with Generative AI
Alya Mohammed Hussein Ahmed Al-Rubai’i
University of Duhok, Iraq
Machine-Aided Translation and Post-Editing: The Need for Open Educational Infrastructure in the Arab World
Dr. Rabab Isa Almuqahwi
RCSI Bahrain, Bahrain
Testing and Exploring How the Use of AI Tools and Technology Inventions Could Widen and Facilitate Open Access Arabic Research Collaboration in MENA Higher Education – Bahrain is an Example
Panel F
Infrastructure Supporting Scholarly Ecosystems
Moderator: Dr Victorien Dougnon, University of Abomey-Calavi
Sayeed Choudhury and Keith Webster
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Ecosystem for Next Generation Infrastructure (ENGIN)
Dr. Milena Dobreva
University of Strathclyde
Open a GLAM Lab Five Years Later: a Journey from Doha to a Global Impact
Sanaa Ashour
Qatar University
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Enhance the Peer Review Process
18:00-19:30 – Welcome Reception and Early Registration
8:00-9:15 – Coffee and Registration (Special Events Area – Plaza)
9:15-09:45 – Welcome Ceremony (Special Events Area)
Dr. Emily Choynowski
Director of Operations – FORM
Kamran Kardan
Founder – Knowledge E Foundation, UAE
His Excellency Dr Hamad Al-Kawari
State Minister of Qatar with the rank of Deputy Prime-Minister and President of Qatar National Library, Qatar
09:45-10:30 – Keynote (Special Events Area)
Keynote Speaker
Moderator: Dr. Alwaleed Alkhaja, Qatar National Library
Dr. Hilal A. Lashuel
Research, Development & Innovation Advisor to the Chairperson & Executive Director of RDI at Chairperson’s Office, Qatar Foundation and Professor of Neuroscience (EPFL, Switzerland).
Rethinking MENA’s Contribution to Open Science: A Call to Lead and Disrupt Innovation
10:30-11:00 – Coffee (Special Events Area – Plaza)
11:00-11:40 – Regional Advancements Roundtable (Special Events Area)
Confirmed Panelists
Moderator: Dr Emily Choynowski, FORM
H.E. Prof. Amr Ezzat Salama
Secretary-General – Association of Arab Universities, Egypt
Dr. Yousef Tourman
Managing Director – Arab States Research and Education Network, Jordan
Kamran Kardan
Founder – Knowledge E Foundation, UAE
Dr. Lamis Yahia Mohamed Elkheir
African Reproducibility Network, UAE
Dr. Hadeer Kamel
Arab Knowledge Management Member
11:40-12:30 – Qatar Leadership Roundtable (Special Events Area)
Confirmed Panelists
Moderator: Dr. Nouf Khashman, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
Tan Huism
Executive Director – Qatar National Library, Qatar
Dr. Aiman Erbad
Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies – Qatar University, Qatar
Dr. Khalid Fakhro
Chief Research Officer – Sidra Medicine, Qatar
Rosena Nhlabatsi
Senior Intellectual Property Policy Expert – Qatar Research, Development and Innovation Council, Qatar
12:30-14:00 – Lunch and Library Tour (The Bridge)
14:00-15:30 – Parallel Sessions
Panel G (Special Events Area)
Overcoming Regional Challenges and Supporting Community Engagement
Moderator: Dr. Abdulla Al Hefeiti, Khalifa University
Thuraya Slimani
National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research, Morocco
The Extent of Arab Countries’ Engagement in the Open Science Movement
Dr. Emily Choynowksi & Nahil Nassar
Forum for Open Science in MENA
Dr. Mohamed Koutheair Khribi
Qatar Assistive Technology Center Mada, Qatar
Panel H (Auditorium)
Creating And Disseminating Open Resources
Moderator: Dr. Kamel Belhamel, Directory of Open Access Journals
Rebecca Hill
Taylor & Francis, UK
Navigating the Transition to Open Science: Exploring the Impact of Publishing Partnerships
Andrew Popper
Driving Technology Innovation in the Middle East through Published Discoveries
Abdulqadir J. Nashwan
Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
Unlocking Scientific Potential: The Rise of Open Access in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
15.30-16.00 – Coffee (Auditorium Area)
16:00-17:30 – Parallel Sessions
Panel I (Special Events Area)
Countering the Commercialisation of Open Science
Moderator: Dr. Imad Bachir, American University of Iraq
Kamel Belhamel
DOAJ, Algeria
Strengthening No-Fees Open-Access Publishing in the Arab World
Dr. Mohamed Boufarss
Librifyer, UAE
Breaking the Curse: Can an End to Scopus-Worship Provide an Opportunity to Embrace More Open Access Practices?
Nikesh Narayanan
Zayed University, UAE
Maximising Citation Impact: The Advantages of Hybrid and Green Open Access and Strategic Library Interventions
Panel J (Auditorium)
Case Studies from Qatar
Moderator: Dr. Rabab Almuqahwi, RCSI Bahrain
Kevin McCormick and Khadija Mahsud
University of Doha for Science and Technology, Qatar
So You Want To Set Up Your Scholarly Communication and Research Division? Lessons Learned by Two Academic Librarians
Sabine Saad
Qatar University, Qatar
Towards Common Publishing Standards for Arabic Humanities and Social Sciences Journals
Dr. Salah Ajjur
Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press, Qatar
Open Access Publishing Role of HBKU Press
17.30-18.00 – Bus from QNL to the Museum of Islamic Arts
18.00-19.00 – Tour of the Museum of Islamic Arts
19.00-22.00 – Gala Dinner at the Museum of Islamic Arts
9:00-9:30 – Coffee and Registration (Second Floor Pantry)
9:30-10:00 – Signing Ceremony for New FORM Members (Special Events Area)
10:00-11:00 – Keynote (Special Events Area)
Report on Advancement of Open Science Activities
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Cameron Neylon
Professor of Research Communication at the Centre for Culture and Technology at Curtin University
The Power of Words: How do declarations and manifestos make a difference
11:00-11:30 – Coffee (Second Floor Pantry)
11:30-13:00 – Parallel Sessions
Panel K (Special Events Area)
Regional Case Studies
Moderator: Kamran Kardan, Knowledge E Foundation
Dr Anna Walek
Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, UAE
Open Science as One of The Pillars of The University’s Strategy in Striving for Accessible and Transparent Results of Scientific Work – The Example Of Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
Rani Anand
Khalifa University, UAE
Building Bridges in Open Science: Collaborative Ventures at Khalifa University Library
Sumayya Ansar
University of Calgary, Qatar
Lulu Jalal
University of Calgary, Qatar
Building Human Capacity in Open Science: Overcoming Challenges in Higher Education Institutions
Panel L (Auditorium)
Building and Using Institutional Repositories
Moderator: Dr. Alwaleed Alkhaja, Qatar National Library
Dr. Arif Shaon
Qatar National Library, Qatar
A National Research Repository for Qatar: Fostering A Sustainable Ecosystem for Open Research
Shatha Al-Oun
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait
Fidelity Phiri
Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar
Fostering Open Science Through Collaboration: The Case of Hamad Bin Khalifa University Library and Qatar National Library’s Manara – Qatar Research Repository
13.00-14.30 – Lunch (Bridge)
13.30-14.30 – Members Annual General Meeting (Invitation Only)
14.30-16.00 – Parallel Sessions
Panel M – Arabic (Auditorium)
Case Studies from Libraries
Moderator: Raed Al Zoubi, Jordan University of Science & Technology
Dr. Khaled Al-Halabi
University of Cairo, Egypt
Dr Hadeer Kamel
Al Wasl University, UAE
Familiarity of Library and Information Specialists in Academic Libraries with Open Science Initiatives
Imad Bachir
American University Baghdad, Iraq
Examining the Open Science Activities of Leading Arab University Libraries and their Progress in using Open Access Databases.
Prof Abdallah El Khatib
Qatar University, Qatar
Exploring The Journey of Qatar University’s College of Sharia And Islamic Studies Journal in Open Access Publishing: Challenges and Solutions.
Panel N (Special Events Area)
Supporting the Arab World’s Journey to Openness
Moderator: Dr. Emily Choynowski, FORM
Alwaleed Alkhaja
Qatar National Library, Qatar
The Importance of Open Infrastructures for Open Research in the Arab World and the Role of the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services
Dr. Nafeesa Abdul Kareem
Gulf Medical University, UAE
Building Open Community Health Data Infrastructure: Leveraging Universities for Open Science in the Arab World
Batool Almarzouq
The Alan Turing Institute, UK
Empowering Open Science Capacity in Arabic-Speaking Countries: The Open Innovation Platform
16.00-16.30 – Coffee (Second Floor Pantry)
16.30-17.30 – Libraries Roundtable (Special Events Area)
Libraries Roundtable
Taking Action: Fostering Research Visibility in the GCC
Moderator: Tatiana Usova, Carnegie Mellon in Qatar (CMU-Q)
Milan Vasiljević
Qatar National Library, Qatar
Dr. Batool Almarzouq
Alan Turing Institute, UK and KAIMRC, Saudi Arabia
Ameneiha Itani
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), UAE
Shatha Al-Oun
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait
Jamal Matar Al Salmi
University of Nizwa, Oman
17.30-18.00 – Closing Ceremony (Special Events Area)
Dr Emily Choynowski
Director of Operations FORM
18.30-21.30 – Visit to Old City via Tram, Free Time for Dinner and Exploration
21.30 – Tram Back to Hotel
Please Note: Workshop capacity is limited and we will be capping attendance at 40 spaces, so if you are interested in attending a workshop please register your interest as soon as possible.
In-Person Workshops (Thursday 24th October)
Workshop 1- Building an Institutional Repository

Dr. Alwaleed Alkhaja
Qatar National Library

Dr. Arif Shaon
Qatar National Library
09:30-11:30 in Qatar National Library
This workshop, organized by the Qatar National Library Digital Collections Department, is a deep dive into the comprehensive process of building an institutional repository, from selecting a platform to configuring it for local needs, establishing metadata standards, and automating workflows. Participants will explore the development of the Qatar Research Repository Manara as a case study. The workshop will also cover key strategies for identifying and maintaining quality content, enabling digital preservation, as well as extending repository services to other local entities. Drawing on the QNL team’s experiences, this session offers practical insights and lessons learned that will benefit anyone involved in or considering developing an institutional repository. Join us for an engaging session filled with real-world examples and interactive discussions.
Workshop Facilitator:
Dr. Alwaleed Alkhaja is a distinguished professional with a rich and diverse career spanning intellectual property, academic publishing, and research. Currently serving as the Head of Open Access and Copyright at Qatar National Library, Alwaleed has been in this role since January 2023, demonstrating remarkable leadership in facilitating open access initiatives. In his role, Alwaleed oversees the Open Access Program operations and outreach; he is also part of the team that launched Manara – Qatar’s Research Repository in 2023.
11:30-12:00- Coffee Break
Workshop 2- Open Access Publishing Models: An Overview of Strengths and Weaknesses

Rick Anderson
Birgham Young University, USA
12:00-01:00- in Qatar National Library
This workshop will provide an overview of open access publishing strategies and the business models that underly each one. Participants will learn:
- the differences and similarities between various OA models
- the strengths and weaknesses of each
- which ones are more sustainable and which ones less so.
We will review specific examples of these models in action and assess their success thus far and their prospects for the future.
Target Audience:
Librarians and publishers who are interested in either supporting OA or undertaking an OA publishing project will benefit from this analytical overview of OA publishing models
Workshop Facilitator:
Rick Anderson is University Librarian of Brigham Young University. He has worked previously as a bibliographer for YBP, Inc., as Head Acquisitions Librarian for the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, as Director of Resource Acquisition at the University of Nevada, Reno, and as Associate Dean for Collections & Scholarly Communication at the University of Utah. He serves on numerous editorial and advisory boards and is a regular contributor to the Scholarly Kitchen. Rick is the author of three books, including Scholarly Communication: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University Press, 2018), which has been published in three languages.