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The Forum for Open Research in MENA (FORM) is a non-profit membership organisation supporting the advancement of Open Science policies and practices in research communities and institutions across the Arab world.
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have become a source of inspiration across the world, and a driving force to combat inequality and injustice across every sector of society. A key element of this has been the growing prominence of sustainable, equitable practices surrounding science and education. In particular, UNESCO’s Open Science Recommendations have triggered a profound shift in the way we view and practice research, with a growing emphasis on the importance of ensuring responsible and sustainable production, dissemination and use of scientific knowledge for the benefit of everyone.
Global entities such as UNESCO are working with governments and other organisations to spearhead national and international projects focusing on addressing social injustices, climate change, and a host of other issues. However, in order for this vision to be achieved and Open Science to become the global cultural norm, academia needs to embrace the concept and adopt more ‘open’ policies and practices.
A catalyst for positive action, we work with key stakeholders to develop and implement a pragmatic programme to facilitate the transition towards more accessible, inclusive and sustainable research and education models in the Arab region.
Our goal is to empower libraries, higher education institutions, research councils and policy makers across the Arab world to collaborate on activities, projects and resources that promote engagement with, and the generation of, open research.
Any research institution or research community based within the Arab region that wishes to support our mission can become a member. Membership is free.
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