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How to avoid predatory publishing and conferences

Hello! I’m just starting to submit my research to journals, but I’m a bit nervous about the whole process because of the big issue of predatory publishing. Does anyone have any tips on how I can avoid it?


Hi there, congratulations on completing your research! We completely empathize with your concern and have also been concerned about the rise in predatory publishing. But we find https://thinkchecksubmit.org/  to be an amazing tool to avoid it. They have an extensive checklist that helps you assess any journal and ensure that they are legitimate.


I love using Think. Check. Submit! It’s made finding the right journal for me a lot easier. But they only have resources for journals, and I was wondering if there are any similar websites for predatory conferences. I often worry about paying high registration fees only to find out that the conference is non-existent.


Yes! there is a tool just like Think. Check. Submit. but for conferences! Find it here: https://thinkcheckattend.org/