Workshop 1

EBSCO is OPEN for Research

Mari Bergeron


“Open” means more than open access. EBSCO has a long history of supporting open access publishing. EBSCO provides free resources such as GreenFile™ and EBSCO Essentials™, and we make scholarship accessible with EBSCO Open Dissertations™. At the same time, we support publishers as they transition from paid models to open models, and new tools help us to deliver the best versions of open access articles to researchers. Now we also support open development of tools for libraries including the FOLIO library services platform. Find out about the many ways EBSCO supports open access and open development of library solutions.

Workshop 2

Use, re-use and collaboration: making open research a reality in the Middle East and North Africa

Carolyn Kirby

Taylor & Francis

Becky Hill


Open access publishing – and open research more broadly – expands the opportunities for researchers to share their research more widely and rapidly than ever before. By sharing work in more open and discoverable ways, researchers can build their networks and collaborations and be part of a more constructive, transparent and effective research culture and bring benefits to the whole research system.

Join Carolyn Kirby, Director of Open Research at Taylor & Francis, and Becky Hill, Strategic Partnership Manager at F1000, for an overview and discussion of how open research publishing practices can help researchers to enhance the discoverability and potential impact of their research. We will provide evidence of the growing appetite for open access publishing from across the region, and introduce a range of publishing options, spearheaded by F1000, to help enable open research. Focusing on publishing practices which place openness at their centre, including topics such as open data, diversity of research outputs and open community peer review, this session will bring together the evolution of the market landscape with applied experiences of open research publishing.

Session attendees will learn more about F1000 and its publishing approach, as well as being invited to ask questions, debate and share their views on all things open.